Invitations to Tender
In 2025/2026, a tender process is being planned for the refurbishment of the Grade-II listed building at 14-16 Cockspur Street, London SW1Y 5BL. Once the building has been refurbished, it will house, besides the Embassy and the Permanent Representation, the Consulate-General of Brazil in London, which is currently located at 3 Vere Street, in rented premises. The works will involve the replacement of the infrastructure systems (MEP — Mechanical, electrical and plumbing), the preservation of the historical heritage of the building and the adaptation of the internal spaces, in order to efficiently accommodate the consular functions required to assist the Brazilian community in the UK. The refurbishment schedule envisages the publication of a call for bids in the first quarter of 2025, and the start of the works before the second half of 2025, with a total duration of 12 to 15 months. More details will be published in due course.
Em 2025/2026, planeja-se realizar licitação para a reforma do prédio tombado, próprio nacional, que hoje abriga a Chancelaria da Embaixada do Brasil em Londres e da Representação Permanente do Brasil junto aos Organismos Internacionais em Londres. Com as obras, o edifício reformado deverá acolher, além da Embaixada e da Representação Permanente, o Consulado-Geral, hoje localizado em 3 Vere St, em imóvel alugado. A obra prevê a substituição de parte da infraestrutura, com a instalação de novos sistemas hidráulico, elétrico e de refrigeração, o que permitirá a preservação do patrimônio histórico do prédio da Chancelaria, além de adaptar os espaços internos, de modo a acomodar, de forma eficiente, as funções consulares de atendimento à comunidade brasileira no Reino Unido. O cronograma prevê publicação de edital no primeiro trimestre de 2025 e início das obras antes do segundo semestre de 2025, com duração de 12 a 15 meses. Mais detalhes serão publicados oportunamente.
Invitation to Tender 05/2024 — Supply of Electricity and Gas
The Embassy of Brazil in London invites companies to participate in a bidding process in the Invitation for a three-year contract (from 1st October 2024 to 30 September 2027) for the supply of electricity and gas, through a specialised company, for the properties of the Chancellery (14-16 Cockspur Street, London SW1Y 5BL) and the Official Residence (54 Mount Street, London W1K 2SQ) of the Embassy of Brazil in London, in accordance with the terms and conditions established in this Invitation to Tender and its appendices.
Final Result |
English |
Erratum 12/09/2024 |
English |
Appendices II & III - Template
English |
Invitation to Tender Announcement |
English |
Annex I - Terms of Reference |
English |
Annex II - Templates for Gas & Electricity Quotes |
English |
Online Auction
The Embassy of Brazil in London announces its intention to sell two vehicles classed as scrap, with diplomatic licence plates, in an online auction, under the terms detailed in the document below:
Final result |
Download |
Online Auction Terms |
Download |
Invitation to Tender 04/2024 — Vehicle Leasing
The Embassy of Brazil in London invites companies to participate in a bidding process in the Invitation for a four-year contract (from 23 July 2024 to 22 July 2028) for the provision of operational vehicles leasing for the Brazilian Chancery.
The Embassy of Brazil in London, through the Tender Committee, hereby informs interested parties that the above-mentioned tender for the leasing of vehicles, in accordance with the specifications and quantities set out in the public invitation and its annexes, with a deadline for the submission of proposals of 4 July 2024 at 6 p.m., has been declared DISCONTINUED due to the absence of qualified bidders, and that a new invitation to tender will be issued.
Postponement |
English |
Invitation to Tender Announcement |
English |
Annex I - Cover Letter (to be provided by the tenderer) |
English |
Annex II - Terms of Reference |
English |
Annex III - Leasing Proposal (to be completed by the tenderer) |
English |
Annex IV - Draft Contract (to be provided by the tenderer) |
English |
Annex V - Statement of Competence (to be completed by the tenderer) |
English |
Invitation to Tender 03/2024 — Security Services
The Embassy of Brazil in London invites companies to participate in a bidding process in the Invitation for a one-year contract (from 1st April 2024 to 31st March 2025) for the provision of security services for the Brazilian Chancery.
Final result |
English |
Erratum (8 March 2024) |
English |
Invitation to Tender Announcement |
English |
Annex I - Terms of Reference |
English |
Annex II - Template for Proposal (to be completed by the tenderer) |
English |
Annex III - TUPE |
English |
Annex IV - Statement on Competence (to be completed by the tenderer) |
English |
Annex V - Cover Letter (to be provided by the tenderer) |
English |
Annex VI - Model of Draft Contract (to be provided by the tenderer) |
English |
Invitation to Tender 02/2024 — Cleaning Services
The Embassy of Brazil in London invites companies to participate in a bidding process in the Invitation for a one-year contract (from 1st April 2024 to 31st March 2025) for the provision of cleaning services for the Brazilian Chancery.
Final result |
English |
Erratum (1 March 2024) |
English |
Invitation to Tender Announcement |
English |
Annex I - Terms of Reference |
English |
Annex II - TUPE |
English |
Annex III - Cover Letter (to be provided by the tenderer) |
English |
Annex IV - Statement on Competence (to be completed by the tenderer) |
English |
Annex V - Template for Proposal (to be completed by the tenderer) |
English |
Annex VI - Schedule of Consumables’ Costs (to be completed by the tenderer) |
English |
Annex VII - Scope of Work and Staff Allocation for Daily Cleaning (to be provided by the tenderer) |
English |
Annex VIII - Model of Draft Contract (to be provided by the tenderer) |
English |
Invitation to Tender 01/2024 — International Removal of an Artwork / London - Brasilia
The Embassy of Brazil in London would like to formally invite businesses that specialise in the international transport of artwork to take part in the bidding process no. 001/2024, for the definitive export from London/UK to Brasília/BR of a piece of art, with comprehensive insurance.
Final result |
English |
Provisional Result |
English |
Notice of Postponement (8/4/2024) |
English |
Invitation to Tender Announcement |
English |
Annex I - Terms of Reference |
English |
Annex II - Signed Form of Tender |
English |
Annex III - Signed Statement of Competence |
English |
Annex IV - Cover Letter (to be provided by the bid tenderer) |
English |
Annex V - Draft Contract (to be provided by the bid tenderer) |
English |